Laser treatments

Powerful skin resurfacing

Our Acupulse CO2 laser delivers powerful but precise fractional ablative laser to the skin to resurface, regenerate and treat scars.


How does fractional CO2 laser work?

Fractional CO2 laser causes tiny precise core holes of ablation into the skin layers. The skin then repairs these areas, improving skin health, tightening the skin, increasing collagen and elastin.

Acupulse has both deep and superficial modes, which can be combined in a combo mode. This means deep tightening and regeneration can be achieved synergistically with superficial ablation to improve skin surface tone, discolouration and appearance.

What can be treated with Acupulse CO2 laser?

  • Full face resurfacing for signs of aging, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, skin laxity
  • Acne scarring of the cheeks, forehead or full face
  • Neck sagging and crepey skin
  • Scars or stretchmarks on the body

Preparing for your appointment

You will have a preparation appointment 2-4 weeks prior to your acupulse treatment with a dermal clinician to assess your skin health and start a preparatory skincare regime.

Post-treatment guidelines

For full face treatment expect to have 1 week of downtime. Skin will be red, swollen and slightly weepy at the conclusion of the treatment.

  • You will be sent home with an occlusive moisturising cream to apply liberally for the following days
  • Often on day 2-3 small spots may appear and flake off
  • By day 7 skin will start to look refreshed and rejuvenated, however mild pinkness may last 4 weeks post treatment
Everything you need to know
Do I need to take time off work?

Most patients will take 1 week off work for face treatments.

Do I need to repeat full face Acupulse laser?

For rejuvenation treatments this treatment is only recommended once. It can be repeated after 1-2 years.

For acne scarring a series of 1-3 sessions may be required.

Can you combine acupulse acne scarring treatment with other treatments?

Yes – we sometimes combined Acupulse CO2 laser with subcisions, cortisone injections or volumising injections.

Geelong Veins Skin & Laser

The GVSL difference

At Geelong Veins Skin & Laser we provide complete care of you as a patient and your medical concern. You may see one, or several of our team in any consultation. We work together with expertise in general practice, radiology, vein specialties, dermal therapy, skin cancer medicine, vein / skin and cosmetic nursing to provide you with a treatment plan that will lead to safe and effective results.

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Before and after fractional CO2 laser resurfacing treatments

All before and after photos are displayed with specific patient consent. Results may vary, discuss your individual needs with your health practitioner.

Geelong Veins, Skin & Laser

Not sure where to start?

Book a skin analysis or test patch appointment with one of our dermal clinicians.

Geelong Veins Skins & Laser dermal clinicians