Commonly asked questions about peels.
What is a peel?
Chemical peels are used to speed up the natural exfoliation process which leads to overall skin regeneration. Different types of acids are applied to the skin, breaking the chemical bonds between skin cells to allow for the exfoliation process to begin. This accelerates the healing process and production of new cells leaving your skin looking radiant and healthy.
Chemical Peels can penetrate to different depths of your skin and vary in strength. Your Dermal Therapist will pick a peel best suited to you and your main skin concerns.
Does it hurt?
The sensation of a peel will be dependent on the strength and type of acid or enzyme applied to your skin. The feeling can vary from a mild ‘ant bite’ tingling sensation to an intense heat. Each time you visit us your peel may be of a varied strength depending on your needs and this will affect the sensation you should expect to experience. As we strengthen your skin barrier through correct pre and post care and regular treatments you may find that your tolerance will improve.
How will my skin look after a peel?
Depending on the type of peel we have used, your down time will vary. Expect to experience mild erythema (redness) straight after your peel that can linger from 1-24 hours depending on your skin type. Micro shedding can be expected on days 2-7 however this will vary significantly from person to person. A slight sunburn sensation is common following most peels; however, we do not expect to see any forms of blistering on the skin.
How do I know if a peel is right for me?
Not everyone is suitable for all Chemical Peels. Ideally a thorough skin analysis and consultation should be performed prior to your treatment. During this time your therapist will determine the right peel for you and your particular skin concerns. If any of your skin concerns include; Acne, Rosacea, Pigmentation, Dullness, or Ageing a chemical Peel may be a great treatment option for you. Your Dermal Therapist may recommend a course of Chemical Peels or may include them in combination with other treatments.
How many peels will I need?
A course of peels is usually recommended in order to see desired results. There are many factors that will contribute to how many peels you will need and how far apart your treatments will be. Depending on the condition we are treating, your individual skin type as well as the strength of the peel we are using will all determine how many peels you may need. As a guide typically most, clients will begin with a course of 3-4 peels spaced 2-4 weeks apart.
What results should I expect after my peel?
Once you have completed your course of peels and your skin has recovered you should expect to see a healthy, glowing complexion. Pigmentation will have lightened, acne should have improved and dull, lifeless skin should appear more luminous. You should be seeing realistic skin improvement after your first treatment.
Are peels expensive?
Peels are generally an affordable treatment. Peels at GVSL range from $120-$149. Other treatment modalities can then be added onto your peel treatment at a discounted price.
What type of peels do you offer at Geelong Veins Skin & Laser?
Enzyme HydroPeel
This is an amazing introduction peel suitable for all skin types. This peel combines lactic acid 15% and Papaya Enzyme to achieve a brighter complexion and more even textured skin. If you are concerned with dull or lifeless skin appearance, sun damage or hyperpigmentation, acne and congestion, general signs of ageing, have sensitive skin or you’re a higher Fitzpatrick type this peel is suitable for you. This peel can be performed as a stand-alone treatment or as a course of peels.
Lactic Peel
Lactic Acid is a type of Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA) and ranges in strength from -20% to -60%. Lactic Acid is a larger molecule AHA meaning it not only exfoliates but also hydrates the skin, therefore aiding in improving dehydrated, sun damaged and pigmented skin.
Salicylic Peel
Salicylic acid is a type of Beta Hydroxyl Acid (BHA) which is a great peeling agent for anyone one with Acneic or congested skin and Rosacea. It penetrates the pores to provide a deep cleansing, removing trapped oil and deal skin cells. It also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties to calm sore, red skin associated with acne or rosacea.
Jessner Peel
A Jessner Peel is an advanced peel suitable for those with oil, thickened skin, cystic acne, sun damage, pigmentation and ageing skin.
The Jessner Peel combines salicylic acid, lactic acid, resorcinol and kojic acid. It is a layered peel, where we want to achieve frosting of the skin. Flaking and Peeling can be expected from days three to seven post peel.
Oxygenating Party Peel
Smooths skin surface, immediately reduces wrinkles, improves hydration and promotes cell renewal that leaves skin radiant. The perfect party peel that can be administered the day before important events or layered multiple times over weeks leading up to your special occasions, holiday or just the week-end to deliver outstanding results.
Pumpkin Enzyme Peel
ideal for all skins, especially sensitive, rough, dehydrated or inflamed skins, this treatment will increase desquamation and lift off redundant cells from the skin leaving you fresh, smooth and hydrated.
Alpha Beta Peel
Rejuvenates skin, reduces redness, lines, and wrinkles while decongesting Acneic and clogged skin. This intensive peel improves the smoothness of the skin by lifting layers of redundant cells and reduces ingrown hairs and thickened, rough skin. The intensive antibacterial properties treat the bacteria of p-acne to assist clearing the most congested skins.
Catalyst Retinol Peel
The ultimate anti-ageing peel, skin must be prepped on a Vitamin A such as retinol for at least 2 weeks prior to this peel.
Illuminating Bio-white Peel
Anti-ageing, brightening and lightening, maintains peaches and cream skin, evens our skin tone and inhibits Tyrosinase (prevents pigmentation formation). This peel is packed with a mega dose of Vitamin C and is perfect for all skin types that would like an illuminating glow.
Pomegranate Peel
Ideal for all skin types including sensitive skins. This hydrating and calming peel will smooth and calm skin while gently removing the outer layer of redundant skin cells. Perfect to combine with other modalities to boost treatments.
For further information on our Peels, visit us here at Geelong, Veins, Skin & Laser for your complimentary skin analysis.
To book your appointment call us today on 5229 6866.
Authored by:
Charlotte Woolfe
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